18 hrs agoLiked by Jodi Wilson

Hit me in the feels 😢😢 I was so determined to ‘do’ my second postpartum ‘better’ than my first. I knew better, I had done this before, I can set the boundaries and keep the visitors away, I can ignore the mess and spend weeks in bed snuggling and feeding…didn’t happen. First visitors arrived on day 5 and yep…I frantically tidied up before they arrived. Then I was in a busy cafe on day 7 with a group of about 8 people, silently praying my baby wouldn’t wake up because I was so terrified to feed in public…nipple shields and all. I’m so sad that’s how it all went, yet I’m not entirely sure how it happened? I was prepared! I knew exactly what I wanted! But there was no one making me cups of tea or telling me to put my feet up. Its content like this that I wish was read by the masses, the non parents, the friends and family of soon to be parents, its only once you’re in motherhood that you find access to all of this wisdom.

I ADORE that you allow us to listen to these Jodi, I listened in the bath after a long day of solo parenting my girls (3 and 5months) ♥️ thank you SO much.

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I think this is a really common experience and it nods to the difficulty in maintaining those postpartum boundaries the more children you have. But you know what, I bet you have been more conscious of the small things: lying down where possible, getting outside, taking deep breaths, prioritising sleep. We’re always learning and even your reflection of your early postpartum - regret and all - shows that you’re aware and considerate of your experience. Don’t be too hard on yourself, you’re doing really well. Apologies for not recording my most recent letter (school holidays) but it absolutely will be a regular feature x

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Oh Jodi 😭 This has honestly come at such a perfect time. I just cried reading this. I’m 6 months postpartum with baby 4 and feel like I am failing most days. As a stay at home for almost 15 years so far, I have somewhere along the way tied my worth to how my house looks. I’m trying SO hard to unlearn this. I find myself comparing to people who are in much different seasons to us. I find that I need to get out of the house daily because the overwhelm of being at home with a baby and toddler is too much because I am constantly trying to get things done but never seem to achieve anything 😅 Thank you from the bottom of my heart for these words, you don’t know how much I needed them today.

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These are really hitting the spot, thank you so much. I read this one at 2.30am while feeding a sad and colicky newborn, while my husband was with our toddler who had to be admitted overnight to hospital. It's a rough time right now, but everything you've written is so relatable. It's such a comfort to discover you're not the only one who feels these difficult things postpartum!

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